Former Neubauer Family Assistant Professor Agnes Callard, AB’97, today an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Chicago, leads class in Harper Memorial Library.
The University of Chicago’s Neubauer Family Assistant Professorships attract exceptional early-career scholars and inspire bold, ambitious research.
The world’s top faculty have sought to join the University of Chicago’s community of scholars since its inception. A natural extension of the University’s long-held dedication to recruiting and retaining top-notch scholars, the Neubauer Family Assistant Professors Program invests in scholars with exceptional promise.
The Neubauer Family Assistant Professors Program has supported tenure-track appointments for up to 20 of the nation’s most outstanding early-career faculty each year. These five-year professorships are made possible by a $25 million commitment from the Neubauer Family Foundation.
Neubauer Family Assistant Professors are chosen by a selection committee comprised of senior UChicago faculty and come from a range of disciplines. They develop bold, ambitious work at the University, an intellectual destination where scholars from around the world come to test ideas. Here, they benefit from our unique environment, where an abiding commitment to free expression allows the best ideas to prevail, regardless of their source.
Neubauer Family Assistant Professors form a multidisciplinary cohort that convenes regularly for lectures, research presentations, and other programming. The resources offered through a Neubauer Family Assistant Professorship encourage passion and spur the ambitious research that advances knowledge. The program supports early-career professors, facilitates relationships across the University, and empowers outstanding faculty to ask bold new questions and undertake the kind of work that shapes fields and pioneers original ways of thinking.

Xuechunzi Bai
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2024-29
Department of Psychology

Salman Banani
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2024-29
Department of Pathology

Axel Concepcion
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2022–27
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Karri DiPetrillo
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2022–27
Department of Physics

Janelle R. Goodwill
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2020–25
Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice

Joshua Conrad Jackson
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2023-28
Booth School of Business

Anne Karing
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2021–26
Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics and the College

Mikayla Kelley
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2023-28
Department of Philosophy

Dakota McCoy
Neubauer Family Assistant professor, 2024-29 Department of Ecology & Evolution

Jasmine Nirody
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2023-28
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy

Nikhita Obeegadoo
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2024-29 Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Abigail Palmer Molina
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2024-29
Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice

Kexin Pei
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor. 2024-29
Department of Computer Science

Diana Powell
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2023-28
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Anna Wuttig
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2021–26
Department of Chemistry

Zoe Yan
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2023-28
James Franck Institute and the Department of Physics

Linda Zhao
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor, 2022–27
Department of Sociology