Xuechunzi Bai

Xuechunzi Bai

Xuechunzi Bai became a Neubauer Family Assistant Professor in 2024 and is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology. 

Bai studies dynamic social minds, exploring the interplay between individual decision processes and societal phenomena in the field of social cognition. One central question is the psychological origin of social stereotypes. She studies how individual-level exploratory behaviors can lead to societal-level segregation. She combines perspectives from social and cognitive psychology, computer science, machine learning, and public policy. Bai also employs a diverse range of methodologies in her research, including cross-national surveys, large-scale online behavioral experiments, naturalistic text analyses and computational cognitive models.

Bai received her PhD in Psychology and Public Policy from Princeton University and her undergraduate degree at the University of Tokyo.

Current Neubauer Family
Assistant Professors